Jesus Plus Nothing Hands thrown in the air, declaring, “Yes Lord, your will not ours,” we were convinced that God’s desire was for our family to be...
Don’t Pass By In Luke 10, a lawyer (an expert in biblical law) asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus responds: “You shall love the...
To Be Known Do you desire deep relationships? Do you want to be genuinely known and lovingly supported? I know for me that answer would be...
Prayer and Church Shopping My wife, Jess, and I went out for a rare and simple date night that included a not so fancy dinner and grocery shopping… by ourselves. We...
Thankful I don’t know about you, but I love this time of the year. The weather has finally changed, football season is in full swing, and the...
“Are You A Christian?” By Victor Mora “Are you a Christian?” A harmless question at first glance, but its weight changes drastically when facing down...
From Death to Life Take a look at the bumper video for our sermon series in Ephesians. Ephesians Typography The post From Death to Life appeared first on...
Why Do I Need To Study The Scriptures? By Steve Altamirano Why do I need to study the Scriptures? At first this may sound like a silly question. After all, we’re the church of...
God Chooses? (How a zombie apocalypse can bring perspective) By Pastor Tim Birdwell Ephesians 1:4 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless...