Grow in Sunday Classes and Weekly Studies


Weekly at PBC

Go deeper in your faith by joining a Sunday Class or a weekly Bible Study. Topics vary, but you'll find a consistent focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ as you gain applicable tools for your daily life.

Classes are offered on Sunday mornings during the summer, fall, winter, and spring quarters.
Studies are offered throughout the week with fall and spring semesters.


The Book of James

The Book of James – Join us as we dive into the practical and powerful wisdom of James, a book that challenges us to live out our faith with action. This class will explore themes like perseverance, taming the tongue, and genuine faith, with interactive discussion and real-life application. Come ready to be encouraged and challenged as we study God’s Word together!

Location: Room 133 (Activities Center)

Time: 10:30am on Sundays

The Book of 1 Peter

The Book of 1 Peter – In a world of trials and challenges, 1 Peter reminds us of the hope and strength we have in Christ. This class will explore themes of perseverance, identity in Christ, and living faithfully in difficult times. Join us as we study God’s Word and discover how to stand firm in our faith with grace and confidence!

Location: Room 135 (Activities Center)

Time: 9:00am on Sundays

Early Church History

Early Church History – Ever wondered how the church grew from a small group of believers to a global movement? This class will explore the key events, people, and theological developments that shaped Christianity in its first few centuries. Join us as we learn from the past to strengthen our faith today!

Location: Room 132 (Activities Center)

Time: 9:00am on Sundays

Characters of the Old Testament

Old Testament Characters – Join us as we zoom in on the life of characters in the Old Testament like: Esther, Samson, and Elijah. These key figures in the Old Testament reveal God’s faithfulness, power, and purpose. This class will explore their lives, struggles, and victories, helping us see how their stories point to Christ and apply to our own faith journey. Join us as we dive into Scripture and learn from these incredible men and women of God!

Location: Room 134 (Activities Center)

Time: 9:00am on Sundays


Women's Community Bible Study

Dates: September 18, 2024 – May 21, 2025

PBC is happy to host Community Bible Study (CBS) for their study this year. Please register through their website.

Come and see what happens in people’s lives when they discover a closer relationship with God through the study of His Word, the Bible.
Classes meet weekly during the school year with each class participant receiving a course book with a commentary and home study questions. Each week, you will have the opportunity to participate in small group discussions and experience a large group teaching. From time to time, fellowship coffees provide special times of sharing and relationship building within the class.

Childcare is available for birth through 5 years.

Learn more here.


Tuesday Women's Bible Study

This semester we will be studying “Ten Women of the Bible” by Max Lucado.

Cost for the study which includes a book is $11.

Study meets every Tuesday from Jan 14 – Mar 25, 9:30-11:30 in the Activities Center.

Childcare is not available at this time.

Register here.


Love Thy Neighbor

*March 23 – April13

Love Thy Neighbor: A four part series on God’s desire as His followers to love and care for the people God places around us in our church family and in our community. This Bible study will also include practical steps for missional engagement through ministry teams and local partner ministry opportunities.

Location: Room 132 (Activity Center)

Time: 10:30 on Sundays


Men's Study

Soldiers and Sowers: A study in 2 Timothy

Time: Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm starting 3/26

Location: North Building

Women's Study

Encountering God by Kelly Minter

Time: Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm. Starting March 26

Location: The Chapel

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