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Be a part of Global Ministry opportunities Summer 2025.
Croatia | June 2-11
Focus: Street Evangelism + Church Planting
Germany | June 19-July 1
Focus: Connecting people to a local church by teaching English classes
Peru | July 11-20
Focus:Youth camps, single Mom’s ministry, and tutoring.
Our global missions partners are an extension of Phoenix Bible Church's mission to help people love Jesus, live like Jesus and lead others to Jesus.
Read more about each global partner by clicking their name below.
Joseph Baranyi – Budapest, Hungary
Hungarian Ministries International
Joseph founded HMI in 1990 to evangelize a nation through all forms of media. Concurrently the team was continuing the development and distribution of Bibles and study guides to aid in a deeper understanding of God’s word and promoting Christian maturity. Most recently HMI hosted a stadium event with over 42,000 people, each receiving a Jesus Bible in Hungarian that was published by the HMI organization.
Website: www.hmi.org.hu
Support: www.hmi.org.hu/support/giving/
Congo Initiative – Democratic Republic of Congo
Under the leadership of Dr. David Kasali, the Congo Initiative educates ethical leaders, invests in a vibrant Congolese society, and develops grassroots initiatives for peace, hope, and justice. In Beni, the community continues to face the stressors caused by instability and conflict, but they are feeling God’s presence amidst the suffering. The latest development is the completion of two new buildings at the campus; one for K – 6 grade learners and the other for women’s vocational training program.
Website: https://congoinitiative.org/
Brad and Debbie Ellgen – Denver, Colorado
Cadence International
Brad and Debbie serve near Cadence Headquarters at Buckley Air Force Base and run an active hospitality ministry from their home. Their outreach includes home-cooked meals for airmen, Bible studies and special events/outings. Brad also has a ministry as a life coach and is teaching classes in mental health and well-being. 2023 will bring a sabbatical for some much needed rest and a road trip around the country where they will take time to pray, reflect, connect with people, and hear what God may have next for them. Whatever that looks like, Brad knows it will involve sharing the gospel of grace and transformation.
Website: https://cadence.org
Email address: brad.ellgen@cadence.org
Miheret and Steph Eshete – Orlando, Florida
Miheret leads the CRU Global Church Movement focusing on digital strategies and innovations to accelerate the church planting movement. This work is allowing the Gospel to permeate the hardest to reach places. 36 countries in Africa had evangelism, discipleship, and church planting recently. Steph’s focus is reaching the abundant harvest of international students at two colleges in Florida, and pointing them to Jesus through relationship building. Also on the horizon for the Eshetes is building a prayer app so people around the world can be praying for each other and connecting/evangelizing through prayer.
Website: https://cru.org
Support: https://give.cru.org/0659666
Daniel and Coreen Esplin – Flagstaff, AZ
Indian Bible College
Indian Bible College exists to educate Indigenous Native Christians for lifetimes of biblical ministry and spiritual leadership to their people and the world. Daniel serves as the Director of Admissions in addition to teaching classes and leading mentoring groups. He also leads the music team at IBC. Coreen serves as the Dean of Women in addition to leading Mending the Soul and mentoring young ladies at the campus.
Website: https://www.indianbible.org
Support: https://www.indianbible.org/give/
Tamas and Virag Gyori – Budapest, Hungary
Hungarian Ministries International
The most recent ministry for Tamas and Virag has been planting the first Bible Church in Budapest for the newest generation of young people who have not heard about the love of Christ. In addition, Tamas has directed numerous publishing efforts under HMI including the revised Karoli Bible and a Hungarian version of the ESV study Bible. He was the project manager in bringing This Is the Day, a worship event with 40,000 attendees, to Budapest in July 2022. Virag serves as Editor-in-Chief of Family Magazine and she looks forward to serving the new Buda faith community together with her husband and three children.
Website: www.hmi.org.hu
Support: https://www.ecmi-usa.org/give-online
M & S Haddad – Sensitive area
Avant Ministries
M & S started recording the Bible in 2010. This audio recording is the only way that millions of people, in the North African country where they serve, will ever hear the Gospel message. It is an exciting time as they only have three more books to complete the entire project. Among their other ministries, they partner with Arab Woman Today to hold conferences for North African Christians and have also been making worship music remade in the native tongue and style for the population that they serve.
Website: https://avantministries.org
Bob and Maria Hill – Athens, Greece
Greater Europe Mission
Bob and Maria have been serving since 1970 when they co-founded the Greek Bible College where Bob has taught ever since. The Hills are currently leading a church plant in their neighborhood. It is in a suburb of Athens and they were granted the building for this new church through God’s provisions. While slowing down in some activities, doors keep opening up for ministry and God continues to bless them with good health. They distribute Bible packets in a seaport city and work alongside Nea Zoi, a ministry that targets getting women out of trafficked situations.
Website: https://gemission.org
Support: https://gemission.org/donatemissionary/robert-and-maria-hill/
Roman and Iryna Matviyiv – Lviv, Ukraine
European Christian Mission
War in Ukraine has been going on for over a year. Our missionaries, Roman and Iryna, continue to serve amidst the air raids, power outages, death and destruction. They have found that children/youth are the most vulnerable under this stress so Iryna, at the pre-school she runs, keeps usual routines and fun things to which every child has a right; involving them in camps, English classes, biweekly youth Christian club meetings and creative art classes. Roman thanks God for His church that he pastors. As a family and a church, they don’t stop serving children, teens, and families; reaching out through work at the pre-school, neighborhood meetings, meetings for the internally displaced people, and morning pray meetings. As they add the countless private talks and prayers, phone calls, various church activities and physical work serving the communities that have been hardest hit – you have the whole concept of how their routine looks these days. The news about reoccurring massive attacks and deaths pile on more negative emotions and they know they wouldn’t make it without the Lord and the family they have in Him.
Website: https://www.ecmi-usa.org
Support: https://www.ecmi-usa.org/give-online
Kelly Quek – Tempe, AZ
International Students Inc. at ASU
Kelly works as Campus Staff at ASU to help orient and acquaint international students to their new home and cultural experience. She cooks meals for groups of students each week, engages them in one-on-one conversations about the Bible and builds relationships through activities and hospitality. It is estimated that by 2025, 50% of world leaders will have been international students. If we can share Christ’s love with these future leaders it can positively impact the world and advance the calling of the Great Commission. Since Kelly is located close to Phoenix, she has opportunities for PBC to get involved, including hosting an international student at Thanksgiving.
Website: https://internationalstudent.org
Support: https://internationalstudent.org/give/
Josh and Emma Quisenberry – Kampala, Uganda
The Gem Foundation
Through The Gem Foundation, Josh and Emma care for more than 45 orphaned and abandoned children with special needs in Uganda, Africa. Their 88-acre village is designed and built with the Gems in mind. This one of a kind village includes housing and a medical clinic; eventually they plan on adding a school, church, and volunteer housing. Every child with special needs is a Gem from the heart of God, therefore they rescue the abandon Gem, restore their God given value, and release them into their God given destiny.
Website: https://thegemfoundation.com/
Support: https://thegemfoundation.com/Donate
Jeff and Chloe Soledispa – Trujillo, Peru
Inca Link International – MANA Ministries
Inca Link’s mission is to reach the youth of Latin America with Christ’s irresistible love by identifying, connecting, and mentoring young leaders to multiply their impact and reach the next generation. Chloe and Jeff serve specifically with MANA Ministries serving nearly 60 kids and teenagers from an impoverished community in Peru. They work Monday – Friday with the kids in their education, extra-curricular workshops, free lunches, community building, and their faith walk with Christ.
Website: https://www.incalink.org/ministries/peru/mana
Support: https://www.incalink.org/ministries/peru#how-to-support
Our local ministry partners are an extension of Phoenix Bible Church's mission to help people love Jesus, live like Jesus and lead others to Jesus.
Read more about each local partner by clicking their name below.