Most everyone desires community on some level. But, what does biblical community actually look like?
Biblical Principles:

Prayer and the confession of sin – James 5:16

Prayer and confession of sin is vital if believers are going to live authentic lives where real issues of the heart can be dealt with and redeemed for the glory of God.

Seeking the best for others in Love – Philippians 2:1-4, Ecclesiastes 4:8-12

Genuine love and care for others is a crucial part of nurturing others so that they might be equipped to seek maturity in Christ.

Engaging our community with the gospel as a small group – Mark 6:7-13, Matthew 28:19

As believers, we are not called to isolation, but to a mission to go out to others who may not know Jesus.

Depth in God’s word – Psalm 1:2, Matthew 22:29

Words of encouragement and wisdom from others mean nothing if they aren’t drenched with God’s revelation in the Biblical text.


Authentic Community – Authenticity must be practiced within the community group in order to address sin, to learn from others, and to strive toward holiness.
Nurturing Community – Nurturing must be practiced within the community group so that people might be cared for and given guidance during joys, trials, and pivotal life events.
Missional Community – Mission must be carried out by the community group so they don’t lose sight of God’s mission to bring the lost to a place of repentance and redemption.
Biblical Community – The Bible must be investigated and studied within the community group to point us all to Jesus and to challenge us to be like Him.

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